October 28, 2004
Today I left my friends and family and my old job in the Philippines to go to Canada to work as a live-in caregiver.
October 28, 2004
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
My employer and client Robert J. Farrell picked me up from the airport. I was freezing! Mr. Farrell has Parkinson's disease which basically robs him of his ability to take care of himself at any particular time of the day when the symptoms of the disease strike. This is where i come in.
October 29, 2004
Heading to Kimberley where I will be working.
This is where I am now. To the south of the border are the states of Washington, Idaho and Montana.
October 2004
I was being given an orientation by Charlie (another care aid) on the care of my client when I took this picture. He was demonstrating some mobility exercises that needed to be done. My client being a former physio therapist also helps.
October 2004
Here is my room for the next 2 years. I will be living in the basement where I have my own privacy. I am required to pay for my board and room of $300.00 per month. Wow. My life is changing. I am starting from Scratch. I came to Canada with only 250 dollars and a few pieces of clothing after I gave all my stuff away because I didn't want to take too much stuff with me. I lie down in bed staring at the ceiling. Let the adventure begin I say. Exhausted, I drift off to sleep.
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